Rat’s Mouth Tailgate Procedures

These procedures were developed to assist students/ student organizations in the Rat’s Mouth Student Tailgating Area. Please note there will be FAU staff present to ensure that policies and procedures regarding tailgating are followed. Failure to follow any of the policies or procedures will result in a revocation of tailgating privileges.

  • Registering A Tailgate: In order to best accommodate individual needs, it is recommended that students/ student organizations pre-register their tailgate via the Rats Mouth Tailgate reservation form. Students/ student organizations utilizing tents that are larger than 10 feet x 10 feet must pre-register. Students/ student organizations who do not pre-register will be assigned space on an as available basis.
  • Setting Up A Tailgate: On game day, students/ student organizations may arrive to the Rat’s Mouth to begin setup seven (7) hours ahead of kick-off and no earlier than 8:00am for early games. Tailgating activity cannot start until six (6) hours before the scheduled kick-off time. Prior to set-up, pre-registered tailgating spaces will be designated by Student Activities and Involvement based on individual/ organizational needs.
  • Tents: Students/ student organizations utilizing tents that are larger than 10 feet x 10 feet must pre-register. Students/ student organizations utilizing tents that are 10 feet x 10 feet or smaller are encouraged to pre-register. Tents may not be larger than 30 feet x 12 feet. Tents must be secured from blowing over by water barrels or sand bags. Tents that obstruct a clear passage for rescue vehicles or personnel will be asked to move. Please contact dvanpelt@shushijia.net if you wish to use a professional tenting company.
  • Vehicles: Depending on tent size, up to two (2) vehicles will be permitted in each assigned tailgating space, however, no vehicles will be permitted to enter or exit the designated area from six (6) hours prior to kick-off until half-time. These vehicles will be provided a parking permit at tailgate check-in.
  • Cleaning Up Your Tailgate:  

    Tailgating activities must end 45 minutes prior to kickoff; therefore, the Rat's Mouth  must  be clear of people by the time the game has begun. 



  1. Once the Rat’s Mouth parking lot is closed to traffic (six hours prior to kickoff) vehicles will NOT be permitted to enter or exit the area until halftime.
  2. Tailgating is not permitted during the game or post-game.
  3. The University is not responsible for any thefts or damages to belongings.


Students will have THREE opportunities to breakdown their tailgates within the Rat's Mouth: 

  1. PRIOR TO KICKOFF: Students must begin breaking down their tailgate at least 45 minutes prior to kickoff and in addition to securing their belongings, are expected to bring all trash and recycling, including charcoal, to appropriately designated receptacles.
  2. BEGINNING AT HALFTIME: Students may re-enter the Rat’s Mouth at halftime to breakdown their tailgates, however, as a reminder once patrons leave the stadium gates, there is no re-entry to the game for any reason.
  3. CONCLUSION OF THE GAME: Tailgating is not permitted during or after the game. Tailgates within the Rat’s Mouth must be broken down and cleared immediately after the conclusion of the game. 

Again, students/student organizations are expected to bring all trash and recycling, including charcoal, to appropriately designated receptacles. If any materials are left in the Rat’s Mouth, the responsible students/student organizations will be suspended from tailgating for the rest of the semester and possibly the following season.

Food: All charcoal must be fully extinguished and placed in designated receptacles prior to kick-off.

Alcohol: In accordance with FAU’s Alcohol and Tailgating Policy, Kegs and/or Party Balls are not permitted in the Rat’s Mouth. In addition, glass bottles are not permitted in the Rat’s Mouth Click here to read the Alcohol Policy.

FAU Medical Amnesty Policy (MAP): Florida Atlantic University has created a Medical Amnesty policy to encourage students to make responsible decisions and seek prompt, professional, medical assistance and treatment in serious or life-threatening situations that result from alcohol and/or drug abuse such as alcohol poisoning or drug overdose. Individuals are encouraged to seek needed medical attention for students in distress from alcohol and/or drug use. Click here to read the full FAU Medical Amnesty Policy .


Power Supplies: Small generators are permitted, but should be placed in an area that is free of debris. Organizations are responsible for their generators

Smoking: FAU is a Tobacco-Free campus; therefore smoking is not permitted in the Rat’s Mouth.

Owl Walk: The Owl Walk will take place approximately 2.5 hours ahead of kick-off through the Rat’s Mouth.  Support your team as they walk from their buses to FAU Stadium.

Other: Please note that nothing may be hung from natural objects (i.e. trees, plants) or physical structures (i.e. lampposts, signposts, etc.). The integrity of the owl preserves will be strongly enforced and violations of the space may result in student conduct and/or legal action.

Tickets: Please make sure the attendees at your tailgate have printed or downloaded their tickets to a mobile device so they will be able to enter the game. Students will enter through Gate 5.

Stadium Entry Policy: Following the best practices recommended by the Department of Homeland Security and National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security, Florida Atlantic University has implemented additional security measures for FAU stadium Events. These measures aim to provide a safer environment for all in attendance and improve the guest experience by expediting screening and entry into the stadium.

Bag Policy: Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and do not exceed 12” x 6” x 12’ may be permitted into FAU stadium. Small clutch bags (approximately the size of a hand) may accompany the clear bag not exceeding the size limit. A One-Gallon clear plastic freezer bag may also be used.

Prohibited Items: Florida Atlantic University reserves the right to deny anyone or anything from entering the venue. The following items are prohibited from entering FAU stadium:

• Aerosol Cans
• Alcoholic Beverages
• Any Noisemakers
• Bags (per the Bag Policy guidelines above)
• Coolers and Drink Containers (including empty bottles)
• Confetti/Glitter
• Fireworks/Flares
• Food
• Frisbees
• Laser Pointers
• Motorized Vehicles, Hoverboards, Skateboards, and Bikes
• Outside Food & Beverages (exception: medical and childcare reasons)
• Pets (exception: service animals)
• Poles/Sticks
• Professional Lenses over 5’ in length
• Video Cameras
• Weapons of any kind


Any prohibited items can be discarded prior to entry or returned to personal vehicles.

No Stadium Re-Entry: Once a ticket is scanned for entry at FAU stadium gates, there is no stadium re-entry.

For additional information regarding tailgating, please contact Donald Van Pelt Jr. Interim Director, Student Activities & Involvement dvanpelt@shushijia.net or (561)297-3735.